In this work we demonstrate a tunable liquid–crystal element of linear phase profile along the radial coordinate. In combination with a regular refractive axicon, it behaves as an anisotropic axicon, generating the collinear superposition of two orthogonally polarized Bessel beams with different propagation constant. This superposition results in a Bessel beam where the state of polarization (SOP) varies periodically along propagation.
We have participated in the Annual Meeting of the European Optical Society, EOSAM2023, held in Dijon (France) in September 11-15th, 2023.
David Marco delivered the talk entitled «Mapping partially polarized light to incoherent superpositions of vector beams and vortex beams with orbital angular momentum», where he presented our recent article published in Journal of Optics.
Esther Nabadda gave the talk «Complete Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter for evaluating optical components for structured light», where she presented our new imaging polarimeter system.
Finally, Ignacio Moreno participated in the event as the new EOS Secretary of the Board of Directors, and as co-chair of the Focus Session on Structured Light.
In this work the indices of polarimetric purity (IPP) are analyzed as metrics to study the depolarization characteristic of media. It shows two different depolarizing origins: isotropic and anisotropic depolarization. The former, isotropic depolarization is related to pure scattering processes. Anisotropic depolarization is originated by microscopic constituent elements showing polarimetric anisotropy (dichroic and/or birefringent elements with different characteristics) and anisotropic scattering produced by these elements.
TecnOpto contributed to the experimental validation with radial polarizer and radial retarder measured with a Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter.
TecnOpto participated at the conference Reunión Naci0nal de Optoelectrónica – OPTOEL 2023, organized by SEDOPTICA in Sevilla in 14-16 June 2023.
We contributed wit two posters presented by our PhD Students Esther Nabadda, entitled «Mueller matrix polarimeter and birefringence imaging», and Shang Gao, entitled «Implementation of triplicator diffraction gratings in a pixelated display». Books of Abstracts.
We had the pleasure to meet there Massimo Santarsiero, one of the inventors of the triplicator grating.
This work presents a novel optical system for polarization image processing using geometric-phase (Pancharatnam-Berry) lenses. These lenses present the same focal length but opposite sign for left and right circular polarizations. Therefore, they split an input collimated beam in a converging beam and a diverging beam with opposite circular polarizations. Here we profit from these properties to build an optical Fourier filter system with polarization sensitivity. A telescopic system is used to have access to two real Fourier transform planes, one for each circular polarization. A second symmetric optical system is used to recombine the two beams onto a single final image. As a result, polarization sensitive optical Fourier filtering can be applied, as demonstrated with simple bandpass filters.
On February 27th, 2023 we had the visit of Prof. Elisabet Perez, from the Facultat d’Ã’ptica i Optometria de Terrassa (FOOT), at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).
In this work we present a new method to generate vector beams with a 4f polarization Fourier filtering system that combines a spatial light modulator (SLM) at the input plane and a geometric phase polarization diffraction grating (PDG) at the output plane. This new systems presents advantages in terms of light efficiency and flexibility compared to other previous approaches.
The work has been done in collaboration with Prof. Jeffrey A. Davis and Prof. Don M. Cottrell from the Department of Physics at San Diego State University.
Ignacio Moreno attended SPIE Photonics West 2023 held in San Francisco from January 28th to February 2nd.
He participated in the SPIE conference Complex Light and Optical Forces XVII, where he delivered the presentation «Polarization state generator for the generation of complex light with controllable degree of polarization».