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New paper in OLT about the Mueller matrix model and characterization of a twisted nematic LC modulator

Our last paper published in Optics and Laser Technology (OLT) is entitled Mueller matrix polarimetric analysis applied to characterize the physical parameters of a twisted-nematic liquid-crystal modulator.

This work presents a complete polarimetric study of a twisted-nematic (TN) LC cell. We review the existing physical models and analyze the different modulation regimes. We extend the usual Jones matrix approach, where these microscopic physical models were developed, to the corresponding Mueller matrix approach. This polarimetric analysis is then used to obtain the effective linear and circular retardance components of the cell and to characterize its physical parameters like the twist angle, the orientation of the LC director axis and the maximum retardance. The technique simplifies previous approaches with the advantage of employing a single wavelength.

This work is part of the PhD Thesis of Esther Nabadda.

Categories: Projects, Publications, Research, Thesis Tags:

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2022 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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