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New paper in OSAC about a complex encoding with Nyquist diffraction gratings

CapturaA new paper is available at OSA Continuum entitled Encoding complex amplitude information onto phase-only diffractive optical elements using binary phase Nyquist gratings.

In this new workwe reexamine a simple technique for encoding complex amplitude information onto a phase-only SLM. The approach uses a two-dimensional checkerboard binary phase diffraction grating where the diffraction efficiency is spatially varied.

We provide evidence of the usefulness of the technique but also about the limitations imposed by the current LCOS technology, which do not allow fully exploiting their high resolution, affected by the fringing effect.

The work has been done in collaboration with our coleagues at San Diego State University, Prof. Jeffrey A. Davis, Prof. Don M. Cottrell and Everett Wolfe.


viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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