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New paper in Applied Sciences about the generation of hybrid vector beams with a detuned q-plate

ASOur new paper is available in Applied Sciences, entitled Analysis of hybrid vector beams generated with a detuned q-plate. This article belongs to the journal special issue devoted to Ultrafast Vortex Pulses.

We use a tunable commercial liquid-crystal q-plate tuned to a quarter-wave retardance to study the generation and dynamics of different types of hybrid vector beams. Standard hybrid vector beams but also petal-like hybrid vector beams are generated. These beams are analyzed in the near field and compared with the far field distribution, where their hybrid nature is observed as a transformation of the intensity and polarization patterns.

The work has been developed during the stay in Elche last year of Julio César Quiceno, from Universidad del Valle, in Cali, Colombia.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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