TecnOpto participates at EOSAM2022 – Porto and Ignacio Moreno becomes member of the Board od Directors of EOS

TecnOpto participated at the EOS Annual Meeting – EOSAM2022 held in Porto from September 12th to 16th.

Ee presented a communication about our interferometric system for measuring the phase content of structured light beams within the conference Advances and Applications in Optics & Photonics, chaired by Manuel Filipe Costa and María Teresa Flores-Arias.

During the meeting, the European Optical Society General Assembly was cellebrated on September 16th. There, Ignacio Moreno became new member of the EOS Board of Directors for the next two years.

Categories: Conferences, International, Research Tags:
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

María M. Sánchez presents a depolarization pattern generator at SPIE Optics & Photonics 2022

María del Mar Sánchez-López presented our work on the generation of customized depolarization patterns using a LCOS-SLM system on the session «Polarization and Vectorial Shaping and Quantum Optics», as part of the conference «Laser Beam Shaping XXII» of the SPIE Optics & Photonics 2022 held in San Diego (USA) from August 20th to 25th.

This presentation is based on our recent work published in Scientific Reports: Link

Categories: International, Projects, Research Tags:
domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

New paper in OLT about the Mueller matrix model and characterization of a twisted nematic LC modulator

Our last paper published in Optics and Laser Technology (OLT) is entitled Mueller matrix polarimetric analysis applied to characterize the physical parameters of a twisted-nematic liquid-crystal modulator.

This work presents a complete polarimetric study of a twisted-nematic (TN) LC cell. We review the existing physical models and analyze the different modulation regimes. We extend the usual Jones matrix approach, where these microscopic physical models were developed, to the corresponding Mueller matrix approach. This polarimetric analysis is then used to obtain the effective linear and circular retardance components of the cell and to characterize its physical parameters like the twist angle, the orientation of the LC director axis and the maximum retardance. The technique simplifies previous approaches with the advantage of employing a single wavelength.

This work is part of the PhD Thesis of Esther Nabadda.

Categories: Projects, Publications, Research, Thesis Tags:
viernes, 12 de agosto de 2022 Sin comentarios

New paper in OLEN showing a polarization insensitive binary phase ferroelectric LC modulator

Our last paper published in Optics and Lasers in Engineering (OLEN) is entitled Ferroelectric liquid-crystal modulator with large switching rotation angle for polarization-independent binary phase modulation.

Here we show a ferroelectric liquid crystal (FLC) modulator with a non-standard large switching rotation angle, close to 90◦. The modulator acts as a switchable wave-plate with an in-plane rotation of the principal axis under the action of a bipolar voltage. The modulator is shown to behave as a binary 𝜋 phase modulator independently of the input state of polarization.

This work is part of the PhD Thesis of Esther Nabadda, and its has been done in collaboration with Dr. hab Noureddine Bennis and his collaborators at the Faculty of New Technologies and Chemistry of the Military University of Technology, Warsaw (Poland).


domingo, 7 de agosto de 2022 Sin comentarios

TecnOPTO participates at Bienal de Física – RSEF in Murcia

TecnOPTO participated in the meeting XXXVIII Bienal de Física, organized by RSEF – The Royal Spanish Society of Physics, this year held in Murcia from 11th to 15th of July 2022.

We contributed with two communications at the Symposium of Advanced Optics, presented by Esther Nabadda and María del Mar Sanchez respectively, as well as another communication to the Symposium on Women in Physics, presented by Pascuala García.

In addition, Pas was member of the Scientidic Committee, organized a Round Table and chaired the Symposium on Women in Physics.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2022 Sin comentarios

Invited talk of Guadalupe López Morales at CIO

On July 1st 2022, Dra. Guadalupe López Morales participated at the seminars of CIO – Centro de Investigaciones en Optica (México) by delivering the conference entitled «Polarimetría de imagen para la caracterización de materiales».

Dra. López Morales stayed at TecnOPTO as a postdoctoral researcher for a period of 20 months. Currently she joined the Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Energías Renovables de la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas (México).

The conference (in Spanish), which includes her work developed at TecnOPTO, can be viewed on YouTube:



Categories: Collaborators, International, Research Tags:
sábado, 16 de julio de 2022 Sin comentarios

New paper in Frontiers in Physics showing SLM self phase-shift interferometry of structured light

A new paper has been published in Frontiers in Physics entitled Phase-shifting common-path polarization self-interferometry for evaluating the reconstruction of holograms displayed on a phase-only display.

Here we demonstrate a technique to perform phase-shift interferometry of structured light. The interesting aspect is that the same SLM system used to generate the structured light is used, without no need of any additional element, to perform the phase-shift interferometry. A simple rotation of a polarizer transforms the system from the standard phase-modulation regime to the common-path polarization interferometer.

This paper is part of the PhD Thesis of Esther Nabadda.

viernes, 8 de julio de 2022 Sin comentarios

Esther Nabadda attends the Siegman School on Lasers

This year Esther Nabadda attended the 2022 Siegman International School on Lasers, a week-long program covers all aspects of lasers and photonics. This year the School was organized by the University of Warsaw at Checiny (Poland), from 25th June to 2nd July 2022.

Esther attended the courses and presented her PhD work in progress entitled «Ferroelectric liquid crystal modulator with large switch rotation angle for polarization independent binary phase modulation»,work made in collaboration with Dr. Noureddine Bennis and his colleagues at the Military University of Technology of Warsaw.


lunes, 4 de julio de 2022 Sin comentarios

Esther Nabadda selected for the OPTICA section «Amplify Black Voices in Optics»


Esther appears on the section «Amplify Black Voices in Optics» of OPTICA (former OSA), a section devoted to meet scientists and engineers from all over the world who represent Black achievement in science at every stage of their careers.

More details: Amplify Black Voices in Optics | Living History | Optica

Categories: Outreach, Students, Women in Optics Tags:
jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2021 Sin comentarios

New paper in JEOS-RP with a simple method to evaluate the pixel crosstalk in LCSLMs cause by fringing field effect

FiguraOur last work is published in the Journal of the European Optical Society – Rapid Publications, entitled Simple method to evaluate the pixel crosstalk caused by fringing field effect in liquid-crystal spatial light modulators.

The technique is a reverse engineering method that does not require information about the microscopic physical parameters of the liquid-crystal material or details of the fabrication and electronics of the display. Instead, it is based on the overall effect on the diffraction efficiency of displayed binary phase gratings as a function of the addressed gray level. We show how the efficiency of the zero (DC) and first diffraction orders provides valuable information enough to identify and quantify the pixel crosstalk. The technique is demonstrated with a modern phase-only liquid-crystal on silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulator (SLM), illustrating the limitations that this effect imposes to the spatial resolution of the device and providing quantitative measurement of the impact on the diffraction efficiency.

The work has been done in collaboration with our colleagues Prof. Jeffrey A. Davis and Prof. Don M. Cottrell from San Diego State University.

Categories: Sin categoría Tags:
domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2021 Sin comentarios