Shang Gao new PhD student at TecnOpto IB-UMH

Shang Gao is a new member of TecnOpto.

She holds a degree in Physics, a degree in Computer Application Software both from Yanbian University (China), and a Master in Photonics Engineering from University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain).

She has enrolled the PhD Program on Bioengineering at IB-UMH to pursue her doctoral thesis in our lab.


jueves, 26 de enero de 2023 Sin comentarios

New paper in Optics Letters with a self-interference technique to retrieve the phase of diffraction gratings

Our last paper published in Optics Letters entitled Retrieving the phase of diffraction orders generated with tailored gratings, presents a self-interferometric technique based on a liquid-crystal SLM, useful to measure the phase content of diffraction gratings.

A Fourier transform optical setup is converted into a polarization common-path interferometer by simply rotating a polarizer. Then, this configuration allows a phase-shifting interferometry algorithm to be applied to retrieve the phase of the diffraction orders.

The paper has been highlighted as Editor’s pick.

This work is part of PhD Thesis of Esther Nabadda.

Categories: Research, Thesis Tags:
martes, 10 de enero de 2023 Sin comentarios

Eugenio Roldán explains the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics at IB-UMH

On November 28th, 2022, we had the visit of Prof. Eugenio Roldán, from the University of Valencia.

Prof. Roldán participated in the event DIVULGA-NOBEL 2002, where he presented the talk «Teoría cuántica: Tres pies al gato», where he explained the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger.

If you missed this excellent presentation by Prof. Roldán, you can now view it in the following link



Categories: Conferences, Education, Outreach Tags:
lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

New paper in Journal of Optics with a generalization of the degree of polarization concept to other Poincaré spheres

Our last paper published in Journal of Optics is entitled Extending the degree of polarization concept to higher-order and orbital angular momentum Poincaré spheres.

In this work, done in collaboration with Dr. Carlos Hernández-García, from University of Salamanca, we apply the density matrix formalism that describes any standard polarization state (fully or partially polarized) to describe vector beams and spatial modes with orbital angular momentum (OAM). We provide a comprehensive description of the mapping between the corresponding Poincaré spheres (PSs); namely: the polarization PS, the higher-order PS (HOPS) and the orbital angular momentum PS (OAMPS).

Whereas previous works focus on states located on the surface of these spheres, here we study vector and scalar modes lying inside the corresponding PS. We show that they can be obtained as the incoherent superposition of two orthogonal vector (or scalar) modes lying on the corresponding sphere surface. The degree of polarization (DoP) of a classical polarization state is thus extended to vector beams and OAM modes.

We used a q-plate to experimentally map any state in the polarization PS onto the HOPS, and a linear polarizer to finally project onto the OAMPS. We design a new polarization state generator, based on two geometric phase gratings and a randomly polarized laser, which generates partially polarized light in an efficient and controlled way.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

Esther Nabadda best poster award at the Workshop on Structured Light and its Applications

Esther Nabadda received the best poster award at the Workshop on Structured Light and its Applications, organized by the Institute of Physics and the SPIE-OPTICA Student Chapter of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena –  Link

Esther presented the poster entitled «Retrieving the phase distribution of structured light beams by a self-interferometric technique».


Categories: Sin categoría Tags:
martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

María del Mar Sánchez-López and Esther Nabadda participate at the Workshop on Structured Light and its Applications

María del Mar Sánchez-López and Esther Nabadda have participated at the Workshop on Structured Light and its Applications organized by the Institute of Physics and the SPIE-OPTICA Student Chapter of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena –  Link

María del Mar was one of the featured speakers with the talk entitled «Tailoring depolarization spatial effects with a liquid-crystal SLM».

Esther presented the poster entitled «Retrieving the phase distribution of structured light beams by a self-interferometric technique».

Categories: International, Research Tags:
martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

Ignacio Moreno in the list of top 2% cited scientists

Ignacio Moreno appears included in the last update of the World’s Top 2% Scientists list (Ioannidis, 2022), a list made based on Elsevier Scopus data base – link.

This information has been covered in the article «Investigación de impacto mundial desde la UA y la UMH» at Diario Información – link (in Spanish).

A total of 37 researchers from UMH appear in the list. UMH news – link (in Spanish).

Categories: International, Publications, Research Tags:
lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022 Sin comentarios

The Institute of Bioengneering and TecnOpto at UMH Sapiens

The last issue of UMH-Sapiens includes the section «Donde nace la Ciencia» devoted to the research Intitutes of our university.

The Institute of Bioengineering (IB-UMH) is one of them, and María del Mar Sánchez appears as its vicedirector and representing TecnOpto laboratory.

Categories: Outreach, Research, Sin categoría Tags:
jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022 Sin comentarios

María del Mar Sánchez at a PhD Thesis on tunable LC photonic devices

María del Mar Sánchez participated as a jury member of the Ph.D. Thesis entitled «Tunable Diffractive Liquid-Crystal Photonic Devices» presented at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid by Mario García de Blas, supervised by our colleagues Morten Geday and Xabier Quintana from CEMDATIC-UPM center.

Very interesting work on LC technology.

Categories: Thesis Tags:
viernes, 7 de octubre de 2022 Sin comentarios

Predoctoral position offered at TecnOpto

TecnOpto is offering a predoctoral position to develop a PhD in the field of structured light and its applications, within frame of a research project from Generalitat Valenciana (ref. CIAICO/2021/276).

The research will be developed in conjunction with our colleagues at University of Valencia and at Autonomous University of Barcelona.

If you are motivated for this research in this field, contact us writing to the email:

More details in the next link

Categories: Research, Students, Thesis Tags:
miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2022 Sin comentarios