Ignacio Moreno OSA Travelling Lecturer at University of Guanajuato

GuanajuatoIgnacio Moreno visited the University of Guanajuato, in Salamanca, Mexico, invited with the OSA Travelling Lecturer Program by the OSA Student Chapter.

In August 30th, 2018, he delivered a lecture about Digital Holography with Spatial Light Modulators.

In this talk, he introduced the principles of SLMs and some of their applications when displaying phase-only holograms  to engineering students of University of Guanajuato.





sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018 Sin comentarios

Published the SPIE proceedings of our presentations at SPIE Optics & Photonics 2018

SPIEMaría M. Sánchez-López and Ignacio Moreno attended the meeting SPIE Optics and Photonics 2018, held in San Diego (USA) in August from 19th to 23th.Logo

Maria participated in the conference «Laser Beam Shaping XVIII» where she presented the talk entitled Extending the use of commercial Q-plates for the generation of high-order and hybrid vector beams.

Ignacio participated in the conference «Optics Education and Outreach V», where he delivered the invited talk The first International Day of Light in Spain.

Click on the titles to go the corresponding papers and presentations.

The picture shows us with our friend Andres Márquez, from Universidad de Alicante.


miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018 Sin comentarios

New paper in Optics & Lasers in Engineering with a geometric phase lens based system to analyze vector beams

VortexWe published a new paper in Optics & Lasers in Engineering entitled Geometrical-phase lens based optical system for the spin-splitting of vector beams. 

In this work we combine a geometric phase lens and a telescope system to produce an optical system with two polarization controlled real foci with equal magnification. And we apply it to characterize vortex beams and vector beams, splitting longitudinally the circular polarization components and focusing them into different axial planes.

This work was develop din collaboration with our friends Asticio Vargas and Fabián Torres-Ruiz, from Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco (Chile). And it is part of the PhD Thesis of Aarón Cofré.

sábado, 14 de julio de 2018 Sin comentarios

Aarón Cofré presents his PhD Thesis on diffractive optics systems for the generation of optical vortices and structured polarized beams

AaronOn July 10th 2018, Aarón Cofré presented the defense of his PhD Thesis entitled Development of advanced diffractive systems for the generation of optical vortices and structured polarized beams.

The Thesis has been supervised by Ignacio Moreno and Asticio Vargas, and included various experimental studies on how to generate optical vortices and vector beams.

The results of the thesis resulted in four articles published in the journals European Journal of Physics, Optics & Lasers Technology, Optics Express and Optics & Lasers in Engineering respectively.

In the picture, Aarón with the supervisors and the members of the jury.




miércoles, 11 de julio de 2018 Sin comentarios

Santiago López presents his Final Degree Project for Telecommunications Degree on a system to generate phase-only holograms with new high resolution displays

SantiagoOn July 9th, 2018, Santiago López, student of the Grade of Telecommunications Engineering, defended his final degree project entitled Caracterización de moduladores de cristal líquido para la generación de hologramas de fase y su optimización.

In this work, Santiago developed a characterization of the phase properties of some new displays acquired at the TecnOPTO Lab, and developed new methods and designs to generate phase-only holograms with them.

The project, supervised by Ignacio Moreno, received the maximum qualification

Categories: Education, Projects, Research, Students Tags:
martes, 10 de julio de 2018 Sin comentarios

New paper on Optics Letters with a design for an achromatic retarder system with tunable retardance


We published a new paper in Optics Letters entitled Achromatic linear retarder with tunable retardance.

In this work we present a universal design and proof-of-concept of a tunable linear retarder of uniform wavelength response in a broad spectral range. It consists of two half-wave retarders (HWR) between two quarter-wave retarders (QWRs), where the uniform retardance can be tuned continuously by simply rotating one of the HWRs. A proof-of-concept of this design is built by using commercially available Fresnel rhomb retarders that provide retardation with almost wavelength uniformity in the visible and near infrared from 450 to 1550 nm. The system is experimentally demonstrated to control the state of polarization of a super-continuum laser.

The work has been developed in collaboration with Asticio Vargas, from Universidad de la Frontera, Chile. And it is part of the PhD thesis of Abdelghafour Messaadi.

sábado, 7 de julio de 2018 Sin comentarios

New paper in Applied Sciences about a zoom lens system without moving elements using SLMs

ZoomA new paper has been published entitled Programmable zoom lens system with two spatial light modulators: Limits imposed by the spatial resolution, published in the journal Applied Sciences, in a special issue devoted to liquid crystal on silicon devices.

This paper deals with the realization go a zoom lens system that used two liquid-crystal SLMs, so different magnifications can be obtained without any moving elements, simply by changing the focal length of the lenses displayed in each SLM. We include results with positive and negative magnifications. And we analyze the limits imposed by the limited spatial resolution of the SLMs.

The work has been developed at the Department of Physics at San Diego State University, with the participation of Ignacio Moreno.

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018 Sin comentarios

See the conference «How Photonics lights the world» by Glenn Boreman at UMH

The conference How Photonics lights the world delivered by Prof. Boreman at University Miguel Hernández on May 21st, 2018 is now available at the following link. This is part of the International Day of Light celebration.

Categories: Conferences, International, Outreach Tags:
sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018 Sin comentarios

Prof. Glenn Boreman visits UMH and talks about how Photonics lights the world

2017 SPIE President Prof. Glenn Boreman has visited University Miguel Hernandez on May 21st, 2018, as part of his visit to Spain to participate at the events of the International Day of Light. Prof. Boreman is Chair of the Department of Physics and Optical Science at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, and Director of the Center for Optoelectronics & Optical Communications.

He delivered the conference How Photonics lights the world at the Politechnical School of Elche, with great success of audience of professors and students. Below, with Augusto Beléndez (Univ. Alicante), Javier Alda (Univ. Complutense) and Inmaculada Pascual (Univ. Alicante). SPIE Women in Optics planners were handed in to the young attendees to promote optics and photonics.

Glenn Boreman

Categories: Conferences, Education, Outreach, Research Tags:
sábado, 26 de mayo de 2018 Sin comentarios

KHET tournament at FecitElx

TecnOPTO participated again at FecitElx, the science and technology fair of Elche. On May 5th a KHET tournament was organized. This laser chess game was arranged by students of Computer Engineering of UMH. The winners received one KHET game. In the picture, Maria del Mar and the students organizing the tournament!

TecnOPTO participó de nuevo esta año en FecitElx, la feria de ciencia ay tecnología de Elche. El día 5 de mayo se organizó un torneo de KHET, el ajedrez láser. Estudiantes de Ingeniería Informática de la UMH fueron los encargados de la organización del torneo. Los ganadores fueron premiados con un juego KHET. En la foto aparecen María de Mar y los estudiantes de la UMH organizadores del torneo.

Torneo KHET



Categories: Education, Outreach Tags:
domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018 Sin comentarios