Pascuala GarcÃa-MartÃnez
Pascuala GarcÃa-MartÃnez received her BS degree in physics in 1993 from the University of Valencia, Spain. She received her MS and PhD degrees from the same university in 1995 and 1998, respectively. From 2002 to 2018 she was associate professor in the Department of Optics of the University of Valencia. In 2012 she has been accredited to full professor and in 2018 she became full professor of Optics at the Department of Optics of the University of Valencia.
She was an invited researcher in Georgia Tech Lorraine, Metz (France), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University (Israel) and Centre d’Optique, Photonique et Lasers, Universite Laval, Québec (Canada). She has also visited as researcher different spanish universities as the University of Alicante and the University Miguel Hernández of Elche where currently she is developing her research as member of the group (Grupo de TecnologÃas Ópticas y Optoectrónicas)
Dr. Garcia-Martinez’s major research interests include optical image processing, pattern recognition and spatial light modulators, specifically liquid crystals applied to diffraction and polarization. She has published more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed journal of impact factor and co-authored 6 chapters of various books. She has participated in more than 70 international and national meetings (10 of them as invited and 1 as plenary). She has collaborated in more than 20 research projects by public funds. Moreover, she also has been involved in private companies as consultant.
Her teaching tasks are centered in Physics Degree and Optics and Optometry Degree. She has been invited by European Erasmus program to teach in Ecole Nationale Superieure de Physique de Marseille, Universite d’Aix Provence, in Marsella (France) in 2003. She has recognized 3 research 6-year period and 4 teaching 5-year period.
She was recognized as SPIE (International Society for optics and photonics founded in USA in 1955) Senior member in 2010 and she has been involved in SPIE conference committees. She is member of SPIE, OSA, SEDOPTICA and EOS. She also is an active defender of gender actions in science, and she has leaded a regional node of the Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas (AMIT) from 2005 to 2007. She is the secretary of the Women in Physics specialized group of the Real Sociedad Española de FÃsica (RSEF). Currently she is member of the Comission for Equality Policies of the University of Valencia, and she presides the gender equality commission of the Faculty of Physics.