Inicio > Collaborators, International > Ignacio Moreno visits WAT university

Ignacio Moreno visits WAT university

Ignacio Moreno visited WAT (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna), the Military Universiy of Technology, in Warsaw, Poland. He stayed four weeks at the Laboratory of Crystal Physics and Technology (LCPT), included in the structure of the Institute of Applied Physics, Faculty of Advanced Technologies and Chemistry.

This stay allows continuing the fruitful collaboration with researchers from this center, in particular with Prof. Noureddine Bennis and Prof. Anna Spadło. In particular, the work was centered in the joint research on developing and characterizing liquid-crystal devices for the generation of structured light.

The stay of four weeks was financed by Generalitat Valenciana through the program CIBEST/2023.


Categories: Collaborators, International Tags:

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