Inicio > International, Publications, Research > New paper in Optical Engineering about generating multiple polarization outputs with binary random patterns

New paper in Optical Engineering about generating multiple polarization outputs with binary random patterns

Our new paper in Optical Engineering is entitled Generating multiple polarization outputs using random binary patterns with cascaded spatial light modulators. The preprint is available here.

In this work we apply an optical system with two cascaded LC-SLMs to produce multiple outputs with intensity and polarization control. We use a non-standard modulation configuration where the first LC-SLM operates as a phase-only modulator to encode a Fourier transform hologram multiplexing the desired multiple output beams, all with the same polarization. Next, the Fourier transform is optically formed onto the second LC-SLM, where each output beam is focused on different physical locations. The two SLMs have the LC director axis oriented horizontally. Thus, by rotating the linearly polarized output beams emerging from the first LC-SLM by 45 deg, we operate the second LC-SLM as a variable retarder. Then, by applying different phase-shifts at the different areas of the second LC-SLM, we can vary the polarization state of each output beam.

The work has been done in collaboration with our colleagues Prof. Jeffrey A. Davis and Prof. Don M. Cottrell from San Diego State University.


Categories: International, Publications, Research Tags:

lunes, 8 de julio de 2024 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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