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New paper in JOSA A about sub-Nyquist microlens arrays

JOSAOur recent paper in the Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA A) is entitled In-phase sub-Nyquist lenslet arrays encoded onto spatial light modulators. Here we analyze diffractive lenses encoded onto SLMs when they surpass the Nyquist limit.

This limit happens when a focal length is encoded shorter than a given distance fixed by the spatial resolution of the the display. When this limit is surpassed, a two-dimensional array of lenslets is formed. We show that, for certain values of the focal length, the lenslets are all in perfect phase. We find other distances in between where the array  is composed of two sets of lenslets in phase opposition. Finally, we illustrate these phase distributions in the application to generate an array of vortex producing lenses.

This work has been done with our colleagues Prof. Don. M. Cottrell, Prof. Jeffrey A. Davis and Benjamin Gutierrez, from the Department of Physics at San Diego State University.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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