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New paper in Optics Express about Guoy phase effects on the propagation of vector beams

GuoyOur new paper in Optics Express entitled Gouy phase effects on propagation of pure and hybrid vector beams reports a theoretical simplified model and experimental analysis of the Gouy phase effects on vector beams. Experimental results at various axial planes, before and past the focus, are obtained by using a simplified liquid-crystal spatial light modulator-based optical system that allows the easy generation of these beams. Furthermore, a new alternative optical set-up that is devoid of moving elements is demonstrated, which simplifies this study.

We experimentally verify the differences between pure and hybrid vector beams upon propagation. While the first ones remain stable, hybrid vector beams show Gouy phase effects that demonstrate an optical activity where the local polarization states rotate by an angle that depends on the propagation distance.

This study has been conducted in collaboration with our friends at San Diego State University, Prof. Jeffrey A. Davis and Prof. Don M. Cottrell.

martes, 29 de enero de 2019 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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