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New paper in Applied Sciences about a zoom lens system without moving elements using SLMs

ZoomA new paper has been published entitled Programmable zoom lens system with two spatial light modulators: Limits imposed by the spatial resolution, published in the journal Applied Sciences, in a special issue devoted to liquid crystal on silicon devices.

This paper deals with the realization go a zoom lens system that used two liquid-crystal SLMs, so different magnifications can be obtained without any moving elements, simply by changing the focal length of the lenses displayed in each SLM. We include results with positive and negative magnifications. And we analyze the limits imposed by the limited spatial resolution of the SLMs.

The work has been developed at the Department of Physics at San Diego State University, with the participation of Ignacio Moreno.

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2018 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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