Inicio > Education, Outreach, Sin categoría > Pascuala Garcia and María M. Sánchez-Lopez launch the IYL ‘Women in Light Science’ exhibition

Pascuala Garcia and María M. Sánchez-Lopez launch the IYL ‘Women in Light Science’ exhibition

Maria Goeppert-Mayer IYL2015 postcardPascuala García (exhibition coordinator) and María del Mar Sánchez (member of the working group) participate in the composition of the exhibition “Mujeres Investigadoras en la Luz” (Women in Light Science), that was launched last September in the XI RNO in Salamanca. The exhibition can be downloaded at: link

Two of the objectives of the United Nations in the declaration of 2015 as the International Year of Light are “to promote women’s empowerment in science” and “to promote education amongst young people”. Following both lines, the WOMEN IN PHYSICS GROUP of RSEF – Real Sociedad Española de Física, in collaboration with SEDOPTICA – the Spanish Optical Society, have composed an exhibition with the life aspects and scientific contribution of 12 women researchers who have contributed to fundamental discoveries in Optics and Photonics.

SPIE is also supporting it:  link

A related video can be found at the International Year of Light webpage: link


Categories: Education, Outreach, Sin categoría Tags:

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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