Inicio > Collaborators > María del Mar Sánchez and Ignacio Moreno visit the Department of Physics at UAB

María del Mar Sánchez and Ignacio Moreno visit the Department of Physics at UAB

Grupo UABMaría del Mar Sánchez and Ignacio Moreno stayed for two weeks at the the Optics Group of the Department of Physics, at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), at the second half of July 2014.

The picture show us with the complete team. For right to left, Juan Campos, Andrés Márquez (from University of Alicante), Ignacio Moreno, María del Mar Sánchez, Juan Carlos Escalera, María Yzuel, Xuejie Zheng, Alba Peinado, Angel Lizana, Claudio Ramírez and Irene Estévez.


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miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014 Dejar un comentario Ir a comentarios
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